What you should know

Comprehensive Dental Exam

All new patients will receive a comprehensive dental exam prior to their first cleaning. Our exam includes low radiation Xrays, Digital Scans, Oral Cancer Screening, Gum Disease Evaluation, and Head and Neck Checks. Our experts pride themselves into translating their findings into easy-to-understand information to keep you informed on your health.

Man having teeth examined at dental office

Preventative Cleaning

Over time plaque and calculus build up on the teeth and around the gums and need to be removed to prevent inflammation and infection. After evaluating the health of your gums, our dental hygiene team will decide the routine care that best suits your individual needs. Routine cleanings and flouride treatments can help prevent problems like tooth decay, gingivitis, bone loss, halitosis, and tooth loss.

Ready to book your appointment?

Easily book your appointment through our online form or by calling our office